First periods: what to expect?

Young girls are seeing their first periods arrive earlier and earlier, all over the world: at 10 years old or even at 8 for some of them. Very often, they have not yet been prepared for it. While 13 or 14 year old girls are eagerly waiting for them, the younger ones don't always know that they exist. It is therefore important to inform them relatively early so that they can host this event in the best way.

What does the first period look like?

The first time you have your period, it can be difficult to notice. Indeed, they are often not abundant and the color of the blood is sometimes also very dark, which does not make its identification easy. But there are no real doubts: it can't be anything else!

Are the first periods painful?

Generally no, but exceptions are always possible. This is why the first period always comes by surprise. No premenstrual syndrome or pain in the lower abdomen to give the signal to start!

The first pains will arrive once the menstrual cycle is well established. With regularity, various ailments linked to periods can occur: spasms in the uterus, headaches, digestive problems or even tension in the breasts.

Talk to your parents about it...

The ideal is not to consider periods as a problem or a taboo. Talking about it freely with those around you (parents, brothers and sisters, friends, etc.) is the best attitude to adopt. Having your period is a natural physiological phenomenon that all women experience. There is no embarrassment or shame to feel:periods are not dirty .

It is important that parents are informed fairly quickly for health and support reasons but also for practical reasons. For example, they will be able to add adequate hygienic protection to their shopping list.

Preparing for your first period

From the age of 8, it is good to start learning about the menstrual cycle: knowing it, understanding it, anticipating it.

If the first period arrives in the middle of the day, at school or college... don't panic! As the first flows are light, this should not pose any “logistical” problems. The ideal is to have a small first period kit in your bag, but you can also make do with what you have at hand: placing a few folded sheets of toilet paper in the bottom of your pants, or even a tissue, allows you to hold until the evening when it will be possible to choose more suitable solutions. Talking to the school teacher or nurse is also a good option.

Regarding protections, the ideal is that it is a choice considered beforehand. Today, several alternatives exist, such as period panties , washable pads or other chemical-free protection. Tampons and disposable sanitary napkins are no longer the only default options!

For the first period, the top is both practical and comfortable protection. Menstrual panties are therefore particularly suitable for young girls: no more fear of having to change during classes, you can wear them for up to 12 hours and thus avoid going back and forth to the school toilets! The icing on the cake is that they are also extremely effective and comfortable: no leaks, no discomfort in movement during PE classes.

By Emilie