NEW TEEN period pantiesFlow:
NEW TEEN period pantiesFlow:
NEW TEEN period pantiesFlow:
TEEN period panties
Hébé period panties for teens
29,00 €Flow: -
TEEN period pantiesFlow:
1 HÉBÉ MENSTRUAL PANTIES + 1 POUCH Medium32,00 €39,00 €32,00 € -
TEEN BEST-SELLER period pantiesFlow:
Waterproof pouch
8,00 € -
- 20% TEEN period panties
Pack Semainier Ado Flux Moyen à Abondant
2 HEBÉ panties Medium2 culottes PHÉBÉ Abundant1 culotte LUCINA Very abundant2 shorty HESTIA Medium1 Pochette OFFERTE172,00 €215,00 €172,00 € -
-9 € TEEN
Starter pack medium flow panties
3 HEBÉ panties Medium78,00 €87,00 €78,00 € -
-9 € TEEN
Starter pack shorty medium flow
3 HESTIA shorty Medium78,00 €87,00 €78,00 € -
-5 € TEEN
Duo découverte / Flux moyen et abondant
1 Hebe panty Medium1 Phébé panty Abundant56,00 €61,00 €56,00 € -
- 20% TEEN period panties
Full Pack Ado Flux Moyen à Abondant
2 culottes PHÉBÉ Abundant3 HESTIA shorty Medium121,00 €151,00 €121,00 €
starter pack
get off to a good start with smoon
-11 € period panties
Starter Pack Adulte Flux Moyen à Abondant
2 SELÉNÉ panties Medium1 ARTEMIS panty Abundant98,00 €109,00 €98,00 € -
Edition limitée -5 € period panties
Duo découverte Mère & Fille
1 SELÉNÉ panty Medium1 Hebe panty MediumFrom 59,00 € -
- 20% TEEN period panties
Pack Semainier Ado Flux Moyen à Abondant
2 HEBÉ panties Medium2 culottes PHÉBÉ Abundant1 culotte LUCINA Very abundant2 shorty HESTIA Medium1 Pochette OFFERTE172,00 €215,00 €172,00 € -
- 20% NEW period panties
Pack Semainier Adulte Flux Moyen à Abondant
5 culottes SÉLÉNÉ Medium2 ARTEMIS panties Abundant202,00 €253,00 €202,00 € -
-28 € period panties
Full Pack Adulte Flux Moyen à Abondant - Color Fusion
3 SELÉNÉ panties Medium2 ARTEMIS panties Abundant155,00 €183,00 €155,00 €
-11 €
Starter pack medium to heavy flow
2 SELÉNÉ panties Medium1 ARTEMIS panty Abundant98,00 €109,00 €98,00 € -
-9 € TEEN
Starter pack shorty medium flow
3 HESTIA shorty Medium78,00 €87,00 €78,00 € -
1 HÉBÉ MENSTRUAL PANTIES + 1 POUCH Medium32,00 €39,00 €32,00 € -
Practical kit detachable panties
2 culottes Héméra Abundant80,00 €88,00 €80,00 €
-28 €
Full pack medium to heavy flow
3 SELÉNÉ panties Medium2 ARTEMIS panties Abundant155,00 €183,00 €155,00 € -
-32 € NEW
Full pack heavy to very heavy flow
3 ARTEMIS panties Abundant2 HÉCATE panties Very abundant175,00 €207,00 €175,00 € -
-5 €
Duo découverte / Flux moyen et abondant
1 SELÉNÉ panty Medium1 ARTEMIS panty Abundant69,00 €74,00 €69,00 € -
Duo découverte culotte de bain
2 Héléades menstrual swimming panties AVERAGE90,00 €100,00 €90,00 € -
-5 € period panties
Duo irrésistible / Flux moyen à abondant
1 SELÉNÉ panty Medium1 ARTEMIS panty Abundant69,00 €74,00 €69,00 € -
-5 € period panties
Duo irrésistible / Flux moyen
2 SELÉNÉ panties Medium65,00 €70,00 €65,00 €
-9 € TEEN
Starter pack medium flow panties
3 HEBÉ panties Medium78,00 €87,00 €78,00 € -
-5 € TEEN
Duo découverte / Flux moyen et abondant
1 Hebe panty Medium1 Phébé panty Abundant56,00 €61,00 €56,00 € -
- 20% TEEN period panties
Full Pack Ado Flux Moyen à Abondant
2 culottes PHÉBÉ Abundant3 HESTIA shorty Medium121,00 €151,00 €121,00 €
Pack du moment
-11 € period panties
Starter Pack Adulte Flux Moyen à Abondant
2 SELÉNÉ panties Medium1 ARTEMIS panty Abundant98,00 €109,00 €98,00 € -
Edition limitée -5 € period panties
Duo découverte Mère & Fille
1 SELÉNÉ panty Medium1 Hebe panty MediumFrom 59,00 € -
- 20% TEEN period panties
Pack Semainier Ado Flux Moyen à Abondant
2 HEBÉ panties Medium2 culottes PHÉBÉ Abundant1 culotte LUCINA Very abundant2 shorty HESTIA Medium1 Pochette OFFERTE172,00 €215,00 €172,00 € -
- 20% NEW period panties
Pack Semainier Adulte Flux Moyen à Abondant
5 culottes SÉLÉNÉ Medium2 ARTEMIS panties Abundant202,00 €253,00 €202,00 € -
-28 € period panties
Full Pack Adulte Flux Moyen à Abondant - Color Fusion
3 SELÉNÉ panties Medium2 ARTEMIS panties Abundant155,00 €183,00 €155,00 €
Pack Best-Sellers
-11 €
Starter pack medium to heavy flow
2 SELÉNÉ panties Medium1 ARTEMIS panty Abundant98,00 €109,00 €98,00 € -
-9 € TEEN
Starter pack shorty medium flow
3 HESTIA shorty Medium78,00 €87,00 €78,00 € -
1 HÉBÉ MENSTRUAL PANTIES + 1 POUCH Medium32,00 €39,00 €32,00 € -
Practical kit detachable panties
2 culottes Héméra Abundant80,00 €88,00 €80,00 €
Pack femme
-28 €
Full pack medium to heavy flow
3 SELÉNÉ panties Medium2 ARTEMIS panties Abundant155,00 €183,00 €155,00 € -
-32 € NEW
Full pack heavy to very heavy flow
3 ARTEMIS panties Abundant2 HÉCATE panties Very abundant175,00 €207,00 €175,00 € -
-5 €
Duo découverte / Flux moyen et abondant
1 SELÉNÉ panty Medium1 ARTEMIS panty Abundant69,00 €74,00 €69,00 € -
Duo découverte culotte de bain
2 Héléades menstrual swimming panties AVERAGE90,00 €100,00 €90,00 € -
-5 € period panties
Duo irrésistible / Flux moyen à abondant
1 SELÉNÉ panty Medium1 ARTEMIS panty Abundant69,00 €74,00 €69,00 € -
-5 € period panties
Duo irrésistible / Flux moyen
2 SELÉNÉ panties Medium65,00 €70,00 €65,00 €
Pack ado
-9 € TEEN
Starter pack medium flow panties
3 HEBÉ panties Medium78,00 €87,00 €78,00 € -
-5 € TEEN
Duo découverte / Flux moyen et abondant
1 Hebe panty Medium1 Phébé panty Abundant56,00 €61,00 €56,00 € -
- 20% TEEN period panties
Full Pack Ado Flux Moyen à Abondant
2 culottes PHÉBÉ Abundant3 HESTIA shorty Medium121,00 €151,00 €121,00 €
Questions ?
We answer it...
At what age should you wear teen period panties?
When you go from child to young girl, the rules can be an embarrassing or even scary moment. Especially in case of heavy flow. Choosing your first pack of menstrual panties suitable for teens allows you to quickly feel better about your body and your period. The colors ranging from black to red via blue also offer total discretion.
The age therefore depends on each, depending on the period of appearance of the first period . You can wear menstrual panties for young girls at:
- 10 years
- 12 years
- 14 years or more.
Even if the 12-year-old menstrual panties are often sought after, there is actually no minimum age , as long as you feel good during your teenage period!
Menstrual panties for teenagers are really the best way to accompany this new stage in a young girl's life, all at a good price. Think about online shopping and delivery!
What size should I choose for teen period panties?
Our period panties for teenage girls are designed so that you choose your usual size while still feeling protected during your period . The microfiber material of our menstrual lingerie is sheathing, and often relaxes on the first wash.
Our teen period panties are:
- suitable for teenage bodies
- narrower at the hips and thighs than adult period panties.
If you are already trained, do not hesitate to look at our menstrual panties for women , which will suit you better. Finally, don't forget that packs are available in order to successfully switch to period panties, even in the event of heavy flow.
How to wash your period panties for teens?
Several steps are required to wash her period panties for teenage girls.
First, start by rinsing it with cold water to remove the blood , until the water runs clear. Do not use products to rinse your teen period panties.
Then, wash your teen menstrual panties with a classic detergent , which does not contain Marseille soap or Aleppo soap. This will keep it longer and more absorbent!
Wash your period panties for teenagers by hand in cold water or in a machine cold or at 30°C maximum . Air dry your special girl's period panties.
When should you change your teenage period panties?
Menstrual panties for teenagers are able to absorb a flow for 8 to 12 hours, without leaking. Of course, if you feel discomfort before this period, you can change it sooner!
Even in the event of abundant flow, menstrual lingerie keeps its absorbency between 2 and 5 years, if the washing and maintenance instructions are well respected. And the question of price? It is a much more economical and ecological purchase than disposable period protection. Don't hesitate to buy online for home delivery.
Comment choisir la taille d'une culotte menstruelle pour ado ?
Le choix de la taille de la culotte menstruelle pour adolescente se fait généralement en fonction de l'âge et de la morphologie de la jeune fille. Les tailles de culottes menstruelles pour ado disponibles varient généralement du 10/11 ans à 18 ans (équivalent M). Certaines marques proposent des tailles dès le 10 ans, et d'autres commencent à partir de la taille 12 ans.
Il est à noter que certaines culottes menstruelles pour femmes peuvent convenir aux adolescentes déjà formées.
Voici quelques recommandations générales pour choisir la taille :
- 10/11 ans : pour les plus jeunes ou les plus menues
- 12/14 ans : pour les adolescentes de morphologie moyenne
- 15/18 ans (équivalent M) : pour les adolescentes plus formées
N'oubliez pas que chaque marque de culotte menstruelle fille peut avoir son propre guide des tailles. Il est donc conseillé de vérifier le guide des tailles de Smoon avant de faire votre choix.
Comment savoir si sa culotte de règle est pleine ?
Pour savoir si votre culotte menstruelle est pleine, soyez attentive à certaines sensations. Si vous ressentez une sensation d'humidité ou d'inconfort, c'est généralement le signe qu'il est temps de changer sa culotte de règle pour ado.
La durée d'utilisation de la culotte de règles pour ado dépend également de votre flux menstruel. Pour un flux léger à moyen, vous pouvez probablement la porter jusqu'à 12 heures. Toutefois, en cas de flux plus abondant, vous devrez peut-être la changer plus fréquemment.
Il est aussi possible de peser la culotte pour déterminer son degré de remplissage. En règle générale, une culotte menstruelle ado de qualité peut contenir l'équivalent de 3 à 5 tampons, offrant jusqu'à 12 heures de protection.
Pourquoi opter pour une culotte menstruelle ?
Opter pour une culotte menstruelle en tant qu'adolescente peut offrir de nombreux avantages.
- elle contribue à une prise de conscience écologique en réduisant les déchets liés aux protections hygiéniques jetables.
- elle respecte la peau sensible des adolescentes grâce à des matières douces et naturelles.
- elle offre aussi une liberté de mouvement, permettant de continuer toutes les activités quotidiennes sans contrainte.
- elle apporte une tranquillité d'esprit en évitant les fuites et les situations embarrassantes.
La culotte menstruelle fille peut donc être une solution idéale pour accompagner sereinement l'adolescente dans cette nouvelle étape de sa vie.
The first period is an important milestone in the lives of tweens and teens. This is often the time when we try to live our periods in a way:
- comfortable
- discreet
- and odorless.
If this is your case, then period panties for teens are for you ! Available on delivery for a very attractive price, with various colors and models.
The period of the first period is also an opportunity to ask many questions about menstruation (especially in the event of heavy flow) and period panties for teenagers.
Why wear period panties for teenagers?
Thanks to their discretion and comfort, period panties for teenage girls are much more pleasant to wear than a sanitary napkin or a tampon. However, you will feel protected.
With their high absorption capacity and their soft, healthy (organic cotton, oeko-tex) and technical materials, our menstrual panties for teens allow young girls to feel comfortable throughout their periods and to stop feel odors or feel damp. And this at the best price, even in the event of heavy flow.
In addition to being invisible under clothing thanks to our “seamless” signature, Smoon menstrual panties for teens offer a range of suitable colors:
- black
- coral (color between red and orange)
- blue.
How do period panties for teenage girls work?
Available for delivery, period panties for teenage girls are made with highly effective absorbency and soft, comfortable materials for peace of mind throughout your girlish day.
Depending on the model you choose, our period panties for teenagers are more or less absorbent , and can be used at different times. Indeed, the flow of rules can vary:
- depending on the menstrual cycle
- time of day or night
- or your activities.
Whatever your flow, our teen menstrual panties can absorb a more or less abundant flow of blood without odor for 8 to 12 hours .
No need to think about changing your disposable period pads, very often without knowing what to do with them: period panties for teenagers will protect you, change your life and offer you slices of tranquility from 8 to 12 hours.
Do period panties for teenage girls work?
Despite their affordable price, our period panties for teens are very absorbent and effective. Thanks to innovative technologies, they are equipped with revolutionary anti-leakage barriers .
You will find different absorbency intensities in our different packs and models, which will allow you to choose the teen period panties that suit you best according to your flow.
The absorption performance of our menstrual panties does not prevent them from being completely invisible under clothing, thanks to our “seamless” menstrual lingerie , whatever your choice.
Why are our period panties for teenagers going to become an essential in your teenage life for a mini price? Because they combine:
- comfort
- discretion
- serenity.
How do you use teen period panties?
Period panties for teenagers can be used throughout the period of menstruation. Depending on your flow and your activities, you can adapt the level of absorption and choose more or less absorbent teen period panties.
You put it on like a classic teen panty, without a tampon or sanitary napkin : even in the event of an abundant flow, it is self-sufficient! For 8 to 12 hours, you are protected without odor or feeling of humidity, and you no longer have to think about your period.
Its invisibility will allow you to spend good days, without worrying about anything other than your girlish activities.
Is it possible to swim with menstrual panties for teenagers?
Period panties for teenage girls are not designed for swimming or bathing. We do not recommend that young girls go into the water with teen period panties.
On the other hand, you can get our menstrual swimsuit for teenagers , also made with OEKO-TEX® textile, and which will guarantee you waterproofness and comfort during your swims.