Male testimony: my wife and her periods

Thomas has been living with his partner for 12 years now. So he has seen menstrual cycles pass, like most men... But not everyone experiences this natural physiological phenomenon in the same way. Between burying his head in the sand and misplaced thoughts, Thomas has found a much more appreciable place for himself. It offers “normal” behavior to the mother of her children with the added bonus of a little psychological support when the need arises. He tells us about it!

Support during your other half's periods

“Menstruation has never been a taboo subject between my wife and me. She has her period, she tells me, I take note of it. This means that there is a risk that she will be a little more nervous than usual for a day or two. I think that at the beginning of our relationship, I didn't make a particular effort but now, I try to protect her as best I can.

For example, I take care of the children more because I know that she is likely to get upset more easily if they are agitated. I try not to lose patience when I see her angry over nothing much. I know it's the hormones talking because the rest of the time, she's naturally quite calm.

She doesn't really have severe pain , however, she can sometimes lie down for the entire first day of her period, due to fatigue and nausea. So, I let her rest in peace. I manage everything that needs to be managed at home. »

Some childhood memories about periods

“I never liked it when girls were “pushed” because of their periods. I don't know if it's due to my upbringing, but even as a teenager, I didn't see what the problem was...

In high school, I had friends who cheated on their girlfriends in front of everyone. They'd make jokes about how they were in a bad mood, how there wouldn't be sex that week, or stuff like that. I could see that it made them uncomfortable. Yet they continued...

I also saw a girl dying of shame in class because her pants had blood stains. Everyone was laughing, especially the guys! I didn't really see what was funny about it.

As for the eternal “Are you on your period or what?!” » every time a woman has the misfortune to lose her temper, it annoys me too and yet no, I assure you I don't have my period! »

A step towards ecology thanks to menstrual panties

“The only thing that annoyed me was the fact that she left the wrappers of her sanitary napkins lying around in the toilet. But for several months, her pads have been put away in the cupboard because she only uses washable menstrual panties . We are very sensitive to the ecological issue and I am happy that she was able to find a way to reduce our waste. Plus, she told me that menstrual panties make her life easier and will soon save her money, so this solution seems ideal. »

An uninhibited relationship with menstrual blood

“I have no particular problem with seeing my wife bleed. I don't find itdirty or disgusting , she doesn't become "impure" for one week a month. When my children get hurt, I wipe and clean their blood. It's the same thing.

Before starting a load of laundry, I don't mind rinsing my bloody pants under cold water. It makes me happy to do it for her. This is my way of participating. We live together, we share everything, so it seems logical to me to share the rules too. »

Thanks to Thomas for his testimony as an exemplary husband when it comes to rules. And sorry ladies, we asked, no he doesn't have a single brother...

By Emilie