Cyprine: definition, function, production and lubrication

Where does love juice come from? What is it made of? How to differentiate it from white discharge? Can we change its taste? We tell you everything about love juice, this liquid that the vagina secretes, particularly during sexual arousal.

Definition of love juice: what are we talking about?

We talk freely about menstrual panties and yet it is a subject that was still taboo a few years ago. We easily talk about sperm and we have no problem picturing it. But what do we know about the closest feminine substance, love juice? As Néon magazine rightly pointed out in its issue #80, the term has not even entered all the dictionaries... In short, except in rap, love juice remains taboo. So let's talk about this substance that leaks from the vagina when a female person is sexually aroused.

Love juice, also known as feminine “wet”, plays a key role in sexuality. This vaginal secretion, produced by Bartholin's glands, signals sexual arousal and provides natural lubrication. Its color, smell and taste may vary. Let's discover together the mysteries of this essential biological function.

Understanding love juice

Love juice is a vaginal secretion essential for the lubrication and protection of the female genital tract . Composed mainly of water, urea, proteins and bacteria, it is produced by the Bartholin glands, located at the entrance to the vagina.

  • In response to sexual arousal, the production of love juice increases to facilitate penetration and comfort during sexual intercourse.
  • Beyond its lubricating role, love juice also contributes to the protection of the genital area . Indeed, its composition rich in micro-organisms, notably the vaginal flora, helps defend the genital system against infections.

Thus, love juice plays a crucial role in the sexual and health functioning of the female genital tract.

Medical definition of cyprin

From a medical point of view, love juice is a physiological secretion produced by the Bartholin and Cooper glands located at the entrance to the vagina. This secretion is triggered by sexual arousal, thus testifying to the woman's desire.

Cyprin has a complex composition, including:

  • some water
  • urea
  • proteins
  • bacteria
  • aldehyde and acetic and lactic acids.

It generally has a viscous and translucent appearance.

The cyprin has mainly two functions:

  • It serves as a natural lubricant to facilitate penetration during sexual intercourse and when you are going to make love .
  • It helps maintain a healthy vaginal environment by balancing pH and preventing the proliferation of certain pathogenic bacteria.

It should be noted that the quantity and quality of love juice can vary depending on the menstrual cycle, age, hormonal factors and the general health of the woman.

Etymology and usage of the term “cyprine”

The origin of the word “cyprine”

The term "cyprine" has diverse origins, testifying to its semantic richness. It is first derived from the Latin term “Cypris”, used by poets to designate Venus, the Goddess of love, thus referring to female sexuality.

In addition, it is also associated with the Latin term “Cyprinus” which means “of copper” , due to the color analogy between certain stones and copper. Note also a link with Roman mythology, notably the goddess of love and beauty Venus, once again highlighting the intimate relationship of love juice with sexuality and femininity.

Common use and synonyms of love juice

In common parlance, the term "cyprine" is frequently used to designate the vaginal secretion linked to sexual arousal. However, there are several synonyms for this word, varying according to language registers, periods and uses.

Here are some commonly used synonyms:

  • “Wet” , popular term.
  • “Cum” , a more slang term.
  • “Ejaculatory fluid” , a more scientific term.

But still :

  • The term "sap" can also be used, evoking an analogy with nature and fertility.

  • In a more crude or slang register, we find expressions like “juice” or “cream” .

  • The term "fountain woman" is sometimes used to designate a woman whose secretion of love juice is particularly abundant.

It is essential to understand that the use of these synonyms can vary depending on the context and the interlocutor.

Function of love juice in the female body

Love juice has several essential functions for women's health and well-being.

First, it acts as a natural lubricant during sexual intercourse by moistening the entrance to the vagina and facilitating penetration.

Then, it plays a role in maintaining the balance of the vaginal microbiota. In fact, its composition includes lactic acid, produced by the vaginal flora, which helps maintain an acidic pH (between 3.8 and 4.5) necessary to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria.

In addition, cyprin has a self-cleaning role, contributing to the evacuation of dead cells and residues in the vagina.

Finally, it promotes fertility by helping the migration of sperm to the uterus during reproduction.

It should be noted that the production of love juice is influenced by different factors such as sexual arousal, the menstrual cycle and the hormonal state of the woman.

The production of love juice: when and why?

Why is a woman wet?

“Wet” or love juice is produced in response to sexual arousal. This phenomenon is due to the stimulation of the Bartholin glands , located on either side of the entrance to the vagina.

The increased blood flow to this area, caused by excitement, causes this fluid to be released.

This phenomenon has several functions:

  • It protects the vaginal mucosa against irritation and infections, thanks to its composition (water, urea, lactic acid, aldehydes, ketones and many bacterial microorganisms).
  • It facilitates penetration by reducing friction.

It should be noted that this production of love juice can vary depending on different factors such as:

  • the level of excitement
  • periods
  • age
  • or the general health of women.

The influence of hormones on the production of love juice

The production of love juice is closely linked to hormonal variations in the female cycle.

Estrogen is the main hormone that regulates this secretion. During the pre-ovulatory phase, when estrogen levels are at their peak, the production of love juice is generally greater.

Conversely, during the post-ovulatory phase, estrogen levels decrease, giving way to progesterone , which can lead to a reduction in love juice production.

Hormonal imbalances, such as those observed during menopause or in cases of stress, can also influence the production of this secretion.

Physical description of love juice

Color and texture of love juice

Love juice is generally colorless and elastic in texture . However, these characteristics can vary depending on different factors such as menstrual cycle, diet, alcohol or drug use, age and genes.

If the love juice changes color and becomes brown or yellow, it may be a sign of a vaginal infection. Likewise, a variety of texture may be observed depending on the state of sexual arousal, the phase of the menstrual cycle or the presence of infections.

It is also possible to note an alteration in the appearance of love juice in the event of stress or poor diet, without this altering its functions.

Smell and taste: what you need to know

The smell and taste of love juice can vary depending on several factors. In general, love juice has a slightly acidic odor and a taste that can be described as neutral or slightly salty.

However, these characteristics can be influenced by elements such as:

  • Diet : Certain foods can change the smell and taste of love juice, just as they can affect sweating or breath. For example, a diet rich in spices, garlic or asparagus can make love juice smell or taste stronger.
  • The menstrual cycle : the composition of love juice changes throughout the menstrual cycle, which can influence its smell and taste.
  • Personal hygiene : poor hygiene can increase the acidity of the love juice and give an unpleasant odor. Conversely, excessive hygiene can disrupt the vaginal flora and alter the natural smell of love juice.

It is important to note that if the smell of love juice becomes very strong or unpleasant , or if it is accompanied by symptoms such as itching, burning or unusual discharge, it may be an infection and it It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional.

Love juice and intimate hygiene

Distinguish between love juice and abnormal vaginal discharge

Love juice and vaginal discharge are two distinct types of discharge. Love juice, produced in response to sexual arousal, is generally colorless, elastic in texture, and may have a slightly acidic odor. Normal vaginal discharge, also called leukorrhea, may vary in color and texture depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

On the other hand, abnormal vaginal discharge can indicate hormonal imbalance or an infection . They can be abundant, greenish-yellow in color, foamy and have a fishy odor. Additional signs like itching, burning, inflammation of the vulva, or pain during sex or urination may also be present.

Knowing the difference between these two types of secretions is essential to maintaining good genital health and quickly detecting any potential problems. If you notice any unusual changes in your vaginal secretions, it is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional.

When do we talk about “dirty vagina”?

We speak of "dirty vagina" in the context of intimate hygiene, when imbalances in vaginal secretions and intimate flora are present . These imbalances can be caused by different factors: poor hygiene, excessive douching, the use of unsuitable soaps, or even hormonal changes.

Observable symptoms :

  • Strong and unpleasant odors
  • Changes in color, texture or quantity of love juice
  • Irritation, itching or burning in the vagina
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.

These symptoms may indicate the presence of a vaginal infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or candida , and require medical attention. It is crucial to remember that every woman has a natural intimate odor, and that this should not be taken as a sign of dirt.

The chemical composition of love juice

Love juice is composed primarily of water, but also contains a variety of chemical elements . Among these, we find urea, a substance filtered by the kidneys, lactic acid, squalenes and ketones.

It also contains proteins, aldehydes and acetic acids. In addition, cyprin contains an abundant bacterial flora, playing a protective role against infections.

Note also the presence of mineral salts and vitamins , helping to maintain a healthy vaginal environment. The chemical composition can vary depending on various factors, including the menstrual cycle, age and general health of the woman.

Love juice in the sexual context

The role of love juice in vaginal lubrication

Love juice plays a vital role in vaginal lubrication. This natural secretion, produced by the Bartholin glands during sexual arousal, facilitates penetration during sexual intercourse.

In addition to its lubricating function, love juice also has a protective role . In fact, it contains bacterial flora which acts as a barrier against infections.

The amount of love juice produced can vary from woman to woman and depending on the level of arousal. In the event of insufficient natural lubrication, it is possible to use an intimate lubricant to compensate for this lack.

Cyprine and female pleasure: a link to explore

Beyond its lubricating function, love juice is closely linked to female pleasure . Its production is often associated with a high level of arousal, and its presence helps make sexual intercourse more pleasant and comfortable. It facilitates penetration, reducing friction and therefore the risk of irritation or pain.

Thus, love juice can be seen as an indicator of female desire and pleasure , although its quantity does not systematically reflect the intensity of these feelings.

It's also important to note that love juice production can be influenced by many factors, including age, general health, menstrual cycle, and even psychological state.

Additionally, some women may not produce much love juice, even when they are highly aroused . These variations are completely normal and should not be a cause for concern or shame.

Questions ?
We answer it...

Comment s'appelle le liquide qui sort de la femme ?

Le liquide qui sort de la femme lors de l'excitation sexuelle est communément appelé la cyprine ou la "mouille" en langage courant. Il est sécrété par les glandes de Bartholin situées au niveau des grandes lèvres de la vulve. Une autre sécrétion, différente de la cyprine, peut être libérée au moment de l'orgasme, on parle alors d'éjaculation féminine. Il est à noter que ce phénomène est moins courant et que la quantité de liquide émise varie d'une femme à l'autre.

C'est quoi un verre de cyprine ?

Le terme "verre de cyprine" est utilisé dans le langage familier pour désigner une quantité de cyprine, souvent dans un contexte d'échange sexuel. Ce terme est imagé et n'a pas de réalité médicale ou scientifique. Il souligne la dimension de partage et d'exploration sensorielle qui peut être associée à la cyprine dans les pratiques sexuelles.

À quoi ressemble la cyprine ?

La cyprine est un fluide translucide, à la texture plutôt élastique, qui peut être produite en quantités variables.

Plusieurs facteurs peuvent modifier son aspect, tel que le cycle menstruel, la contraception ou l’hygiène de vie, dont l’alimentation. Certains médicaments peuvent également agir sur la composition et la production de la “mouille”.

Si la cyprine change d’odeur et prend une teinte anormale, cela peut être le signe d’une infection.

Quelle est la différence entre la cyprine et les pertes blanches ?

À première vue, difficile de différencier la cyprine des pertes blanches : toutes deux sont des sécrétions vaginales plutôt visqueuses et transparentes, même si l’aspect de la cyprine peut varier en fonction du cycle ou d’une infection vaginale.

Cependant, la cyprine et les pertes blanches ne sont pas sécrétées pour les mêmes raisons. La première est produite lors de l’excitation sexuelle, tandis que les secondes assurent un rôle auto-nettoyant pour le vagin. Les pertes blanches ont justement pour fonction d’éliminer les cellules mortes, ainsi que la cyprine.

Quel goût a la cyprine ?

D’un point de vue gustatif, la cyprine, que l’on peut notamment être amené·e à goûter lors d’un cuninlingus, tend plutôt vers un goût acide. Cependant, comme pour son aspect, son goût peut varier en fonction des fluctuations hormonales et de l’hygiène de vie.

La cyprine est-elle le sperme féminin ?

La cyprine est souvent désignée comme l’équivalent féminin du liquide pré-séminal chez l’homme, puisqu’elle s’en rapproche dans sa composition comme dans sa fonction.

En revanche, en cas d’éjaculation féminine, le fluide produit n’est pas le même, puisque celui-ci provient des glandes de Skene, situées le long de l’urètre. La mouille est donc différente de l’éjaculat féminin.

La cyprine a-t-elle des bienfaits ?

Les mythes abondent concernant les soi-disants bienfaits du sperme. Du côté de la cyprine, c’est simple : il n’y a rien. Un déséquilibre qui trouve sa source dans des siècles de société patriarcale, qui valorise le sexe masculin au détriment de la sexualité et du désir féminins, longtemps tabous. 

Pendant que la semence masculine est érigée en symbole de la fertilité et de la toute-puissance virile, l’existence et l’importance de la cyprine sont tout simplement tues”, écrit une journaliste de Cheek magazine.

Est-il possible de faire une allergie à la cyprine ?

Il est possible de faire une réaction allergique à la cyprine, même si les allergies sexuelles demeurent plutôt rares. Cette allergie, qui se déclare chez le ou la partenaire sexuel, se manifeste par des démangeaisons, des rougeurs ou des brûlures au niveau des zones ayant été en contact avec la substance. Ces symptômes surviennent généralement dans les dizaines de minutes qui suivent le rapport sexuel.

S’il est possible que des hommes manifestent des symptômes d’allergie au contact de leur propre sperme, aucune étude scientifique ne permet encore d’affirmer que l’équivalent féminin existe avec la cyprine.

Peut-on changer le goût ou l’odeur de la cyprine ?

L’aspect, le goût et l’odeur de la cyprine peuvent être influencés par les hormones comme par l’alimentation, le stress, la consommation d’alcool ou de drogues…

Les pilules promettant de modifier le goût et/ou l’odeur de la cyprine ne sont pas recommandées par le corps médical. En revanche, quelques changements dans l’alimentation pourraient influencer la production de cyprine.

Les fruits acides tels que les ananas ou les oranges permettraient d’abaisser le pH du corps. A contrario, d’autres aliments comme l’ail ou les asperges donneraient une odeur forte et plutôt désagréable à l’urine ainsi qu’aux sécrétions vaginales.

L’effet de ces aliments sur le goût et l’odeur de la cyprine ne sont pas totalement prouvés mais contrairement aux cachets, tester ne représente aucun danger.

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une femme porte la culotte menstruelle taille haute noire avec les mains sur la tête