Vaginal dryness: how to treat it naturally?

Vaginal dryness is a sexual disorder that is often difficult to live with, or even to express. Many women experience it as a complex or devalue themselves. Others see it as a sign of lack of desire or love towards their partner. And some don't dare talk about it with their gynecologist. Yet intimate dryness is a common condition that affects 25% of premenopausal women, and 50 of those who are. Fortunately, there are many solutions to treat it!

What is vaginal dryness exactly?

Vaginal dryness is a disturbance of the vaginal flora and the lubricating glands, which causes a lack of hydration of the mucous membranes of the vagina. It occurs when the cervical mucus and uterine lining change, losing their ability to lubricate and self-clean. This phenomenon causes irritation, itching, or even pain during sexual intercourse.

But why is this happening to me?

Intimate dryness can have several causes.

The most common is menopause , which induces a profound hormonal change including a drop in estrogen, which plays a major role in vaginal lubrication.

But other factors can influence lubrication at any age:

- hormonal variations during the menstrual cycle

- pregnancy and lactation

- an episode of stress or fatigue

- alcohol and tobacco, which atrophy the vessels of the sexual organs (in women this reduces lubrication)

- certain medications (antidepressants, chemotherapy or antibiotics that disrupt the vaginal flora)

- vaginal douches, chlorine, synthetic underwear

- genital irritation of the mycosis type

- a poor diet

What are the consequences of vaginal dryness?

In addition to irritation, and unfortunately pain during intercourse, a dry vagina can also lead to greater vulnerability to gynecological infections. This is reflected on a daily basis in the well-being, the self-image, but also in the sexual harmony of the couple.

However be careful: it is necessary to differentiate between vaginal dryness, due to a hormonal change, an unbalanced flora, stress or irritation, and the lack of lubrication. The latter is only linked to desire or to a sexual arousal disorder. It is quite possible to find yourself dry punctually during a report without suffering from vaginal dryness strictly speaking. If this ruins your sex life, you will have to look for solutions with your partner or with a specialist in the matter! But to start, boost your libido a little ...

What solutions against intimate dryness?

To compensate for the decrease in natural lubricant in the vagina, there are hormonal treatments, and even laser surgeries. But we can also wish to leave our body alone and choose natural solutions!

- pamper your vaginal flora with probiotics

- adapt your intimate hygiene: use a soap with a PH between 4 and 8 and wear natural fiber underwear (if you are still menstruating, prefer menstrual panties at time T)

- twice a week, use healing hyaluronic acid eggs

- once a week, supplement with a capsule of evening primrose oil to use as an ovum

- take regular courses of borage oil orally, which promotes the natural hydration of the skin and mucous membranes

- eat more oily fish (salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, etc.), avocados or nuts: their fatty acids rehydrate our mucous membranes

- go for spinach and green cabbage which improve blood circulation and fight against intimate dryness (also: reduce tobacco if you smoke)

- regularly massage the lower abdomen with an estrogen-like essential oil (which mimics the action of estrogen) such as sage essential oil, also known for its anti- painful period properties

- apply vegetable oil regularly (jojoba, sweet almond, etc.) to moisturize your mucous membranes (be careful never before having sex with a condom: this could make it porous)

- use suitable lubricants during sex to avoid irritation, for example a 100% organic aloe vera gel

- after the menopause, take care of foreplay during lovemaking and take it easy

Finally, never hesitate to talk about it with your partner and your gynecologist even if you are not sure of the symptoms: there is nothing to be ashamed of, vaginal dryness is a natural phenomenon. We also too often forget that menopause induces a hormonal change as strong and disturbing as for our teenagers!

By Elise

Questions ?
We answer it...

Comment identifier une sécheresse vaginale ?

Une sensation de sécheresse intime, de brulure, des douleurs pendant les rapports sexuels dues à un manque de lubrification des parois vaginales. Elle peut entrainer une baisse de libido et peut être liée à de nombreux facteurs comme le stress, un dérèglement hormonal ou encore un changement de mode de vie, des médicaments, l'allaitement et souvent la ménopause.

Quels remèdes face à une sécheresse vaginale ?

Dans un premier temps, il est intéressent d'identifier la cause si c'est soudain et possible. Ensuite, en parler avec votre partenaire et avec votre gynécologue. Des traitements existent plus ou moins importants, mais il vaut mieux qu'ils soient supervisé par un professionnel de santé. Les probiotiques peuvent être une solution, comme une toilette intime particulière avec un pH compris entre 4 et 8, des ovules d'acide hyaluronique cicatrisantes, pour ne citer qu'eux. Naturellement vous pouvez stimuler vos muqueuses par votre alimentation, avec du bon gras, le gras naturelle qu'on trouve dans le saumon, les épinards et les amandes par exemple.

Comment soulager naturellement une sécheresse vaginale ?

Une des causes de la sécheresse vaginale peut être le stress, une solution est de se concentrer sur soi, de traiter le problème à sa source, pour vous détendre. Ensuite, par l'alimentation, les muqueuses sont influencées par notre alimentation. Il faut donc privilégier les bons gras comme celui contenu dans les épinards, les amandes ou encore le saumon. On peut également s'aider de lubrifiants pendant les rapports, de préférence bio et à l'aloe vera. Enfin, se masser le bas ventre avec des huiles essentiels peut vous soulager, la sauge est très recommandée.

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une femme porte la culotte menstruelle taille haute noire avec les mains sur la tête