Trigger your period whenever you want: is it possible?
Whether it's to make the most of your vacation or dance without asking any questions at your cousin's wedding, sometimes we really want to postpone our periods... But is it really possible to trigger them? We will return to each of these myths.
Is it possible to start your period early?
No, as gynecologist Dr Callet says very clearly, it is impossible to bring forward the date of your period... On the other hand, it is possible to delay your period using the morning after pill .
Indeed, some unscrupulous sites explain that eating lemon and/or lots of vitamin C, ingesting plants or even taking aspirin are all solutions to trigger your period more quickly...
However, none of these methods are proven at the moment. We will return to each of these myths in this article.
Menstrual panties: your best ally for more comfort during your period
Whether your periods arrive as usual, whether they are early or late, choosing seamless menstrual panties will allow you to experience your periods more peacefully and in a more hygienic way than with a tampon for example. Note that there are also period panties for teenage girls .
Trying to get your period: be careful of the risks
All the methods to trigger your period that we are going to talk about are not necessarily risky (although you should not overdose on vitamin C and be careful with the maximum quantity of aspirin) but it is very likely that they will not have any risk. no impact on the date of your period.
And yes, even if grandmother's methods can help counter period pain , choosing their date is another kettle of fish.

Disturbed menstrual cycles: how to trigger your period to reassure yourself?
We sometimes want to trigger our periods to reassure ourselves when the cycles get longer . First of all, if you have the slightest doubt: take a pregnancy test and consult.
Keep in mind that a very large number of factors can disrupt menstrual cycles , such as stress or intensive exercise.
The morning after pill can also disrupt or lengthen the menstrual cycle. No need then to “trigger” the rules , but above all to reassure yourself with a test before everything returns to normal.
Trigger your periods… or learn to live your cycles better?
Menstruation is sometimes restrictive, and their absence can be worrying, but rather than absolutely trying to trigger your period, learning to live with it better can be a good start.
If you are afraid of being pregnant, take a test rather than trying to get pregnant.
If you want to go on vacation, find out about the protection best suited to your desires and needs. And don't forget your menstrual swimsuit in your suitcase!
Letting your cycle unfold naturally is often the easiest way.
Aside from certain hormonal contraceptives, there is no other long-term solution than to accept having your period... So rather than looking for tips to delay your periods , the simplest is perhaps to learn to accept them.
Understand the menstrual cycle before thinking about starting your period
The menstrual cycle is a natural process that prepares the female body for possible pregnancy each month. To hope to trigger your period, you must first understand this process composed of several phases: the follicular phase, ovulation and the luteal phase.
The follicular phase begins on the first day of menstruation and ends at ovulation . During this period, the ovaries produce follicles that release estrogen, preparing the uterus for possible fertilization.
Ovulation, which usually occurs mid-cycle , is triggered by an increase in luteinizing hormone. This is when the ovary releases an egg.
The luteal phase follows ovulation. If the egg is not fertilized, progesterone levels drop, which triggers periods.
Cycle length can vary from 21 to 35 days, with the average being 28 days. Understanding your cycle is essential to being able to trigger your period naturally.
Trying to trigger your period: the myth of vitamin C
According to some people, vitamin C plays a crucial role in triggering periods. By increasing the quantity of this vitamin in the body, it would be possible to activate the start of menstruation and therefore trigger your period.
This action is attributed to the effects of vitamin C on estrogen and progesterone levels. On the one hand, it promotes the increase of the endometrium and the walls of the uterus, which facilitates uterine contraction, a necessary condition for the onset of periods. On the other hand, it stimulates the secretion of estrogen, which participates in the regulation of the menstrual cycle.
To benefit from these effects and hope to trigger your period, it is recommended by some to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, kiwi, cabbage, green vegetables, peppers, broccoli and papaya. Food supplements based on vitamin C can also be used.
However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of vitamin C in triggering periods is not scientifically proven , as each organism may react differently.
The role of emmenagogue plants in triggering periods
The power of parsley
Parsley is often cited for its emmenagogic actions, that is to say that it promotes menstrual flow. The two main substances found in parsley, apiol and myristicin, are known to contract the uterine wall. It would thus be possible to use parsley to trigger periods.
Several methods of use are possible:
- Natural consumption: chew fresh parsley
- Infusion: prepare an infusion with half a bunch of chopped parsley, to drink morning and evening
- Addition to food: garnish your dishes with fresh parsley
However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of these methods has not been scientifically proven , and they may not work for everyone.
The effect of ginger
Ginger is a natural remedy that has long been used for its beneficial effects on periods. It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that help relieve menstrual pain, including uterine cramps and stomach aches.
Additionally, ginger might help trigger periods according to some people. Indeed, some research suggests that it causes uterine contractions , thus facilitating the arrival of menstruation. This is why it is commonly used in natural remedies to advance periods.
It is recommended to consume ginger in the form of an infusion to benefit from its benefits. However, consuming raw ginger is not recommended unless you are a thrill-seeker.
Again, it is important to note that the effectiveness of ginger varies from person to person and it is not guaranteed to trigger periods.
The virtues of turmeric
Turmeric is a spice widely used in cooking, and also known for its medicinal properties. In the context of menstruation, its use is often associated with the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Thanks to its active components, turmeric has the ability to act on the levels of estrogen and progesterone, two key hormones in the menstrual cycle.
Some women report that turmeric helped trigger their periods when they were late, although this claim is not clinically proven. Additionally, turmeric is known to relieve menstrual pain, such as uterine cramps.
To benefit from the virtues of turmeric, you can incorporate it into your dishes, consume it as an infusion or even as a food supplement. However, each body reacts differently, and it is not guaranteed that using turmeric will trigger periods for everyone.
Fruits to speed up the cycle and trigger your period
In addition to emmenagogue plants and foods rich in vitamin C, certain fruits could help speed up the menstrual cycle. The recommended fruits are mainly those rich in vitamin C, A, B5 and E.
Citrus fruits like orange and lemon are not only rich in vitamin C, but also vitamin A.
Kiwi and tomatoes are also excellent sources of vitamin C and E.
Pineapple contains vitamin C and B5, which promote blood circulation.
It is preferable to consume them fresh and from organic farming or free from pesticides to benefit from all their benefits and count on possible help in triggering your periods.
Spices: a natural solution to trigger your period?
The action of cinnamon
Cinnamon is a spice with multiple virtues, particularly with regard to the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Indeed, it has emmenagogue properties, that is to say it promotes menstrual flow. This results in stimulation of blood circulation, particularly in the uterus, thus facilitating the onset of periods.
In addition, cinnamon acts on blood sugar, helping to maintain a stable energy level, which can be particularly beneficial during periods, which are often synonymous with a drop in tone.
To benefit from its effects in order to potentially trigger your periods, it is recommended to consume cinnamon in the form of an infusion. However, as with other natural methods, each organism is unique and may react differently. It is therefore important to note that the effectiveness of cinnamon in triggering periods varies from person to person.
Clove infusion
Clove is a spice rich in benefits, often used to relieve menstrual pain . Its analgesic effects are known to reduce cramps and other period-related discomfort. In addition, it is said to be very energizing, which can be beneficial during this sometimes trying period.
To prepare a clove infusion , simply bring 500 mL of water to the boil and pour in 4 to 5 cloves. Leave to infuse for 10 to 15 minutes, then filter the mixture. This infusion can be consumed lukewarm for greater effectiveness.
However, it is important to remember that each organism is unique and may react differently to this method.
The potential of black pepper
Black pepper has interesting potential to stimulate the onset of periods. Although less common than other methods, the use of black pepper is mentioned in some medicinal traditions to regulate menstrual cycles.
It contains piperine , a substance which is said to promote blood circulation, particularly in the uterus, which could help trigger periods.
To benefit from its properties, it is recommended to add freshly ground black pepper to your meals. However, each body reacts differently and the effectiveness of black pepper in triggering periods is not guaranteed for all women.
Gentle methods to trigger your period: hot bath and massages
Gentle methods such as hot baths and massages are often recommended by women to trigger periods , without any scientific proof.
The hot bath works by promoting muscle relaxation and blood circulation, two potential factors in the onset of menstruation. Do not hesitate to add a few drops of relaxing essential oil to reinforce the soothing effect.
Massage can also be beneficial. Castor oil , for example, is known for its uterine tissue contraction properties. Applied as a massage on the stomach, it could encourage the arrival of periods.
However, as with all natural methods, each body is unique and the effects vary from person to person.
Triggering your period: the role of diet and hydration
The influence of citrus fruits on the onset of periods
Citrus fruits, such as orange and lemon, are rich in vitamin C , known for its potential role in triggering periods. Consumption of citrus fruits could promote contraction of the uterus and thus stimulate menstrual flow.
Other fruits like guava or kiwi , also rich in vitamin C, could have similar effects. However, it is crucial to remember that the effectiveness of these methods depends on each organism. Thus, the consumption of citrus fruits does not guarantee the onset of periods for all women.
Water consumption, a key factor?
Water consumption can impact the menstrual cycle. Indeed, adequate hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the body, including the regulation of hormones and reproductive functions.
Dehydration can disrupt this process and potentially delay your period. It is therefore recommended to drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.
However, one should be careful about excess water intake, especially during menstruation, as this can lead to water retention and bloating.
It is therefore important to drink regularly and moderately throughout the day.
- Drink enough water : helps maintain proper hormonal balance and ensures the menstrual cycle runs smoothly.
- Avoid dehydration : insufficient hydration can disrupt the menstrual cycle and delay the onset of periods.
- Watch out for water retention : Drinking too much water during your period can lead to water retention and bloating. It is therefore recommended to drink in a balanced manner.
Physical activity to induce periods
Physical activity can play a role in triggering periods, by stimulating blood circulation and promoting the production of hormones linked to the menstrual cycle. However, it is crucial to maintain a balanced practice, as too much exercise can have the opposite effect, disrupting the cycle.
Certain types of exercise are particularly recommended, such as yoga , dancing and stretching . These activities, practiced regularly, can help regulate the cycle, while providing a feeling of well-being thanks to the secretion of beta-endorphin.
It is also possible to opt for gentle, mindful activities, such as meditation and deep breathing , which help reduce stress, a factor known to influence the regularity of periods.
Finally, light exercises such as walking or jogging can also be effective. It is important to choose an activity that provides pleasure, for regular and beneficial practice.
Making love to trigger periods: myth or reality?
The idea that making love can trigger periods is common. This could be due to several factors. Orgasm can cause the uterus to contract, which could theoretically help trigger periods.
Additionally, increased blood flow to the genitals during sexual activity could also play a role. Some sources even suggest that sexual intercourse can bring the period forward by 1 to 2 days.
Taking medication to get your period earlier
Duphaston, an effective ally?
Duphaston is a progesterone medication prescribed to treat various menstrual cycle disorders.
It is often used to trigger bleeding , but it is important to note that this bleeding is not periods in the strict sense, but withdrawal bleeding caused by stopping taking Duphaston.
The commonly recommended dosage is 1 to 2 tablets per day for 10 days. Bleeding usually occurs a few days after stopping treatment.
However, the effectiveness of Duphaston in triggering periods is not guaranteed for all women . Additionally, its use may be associated with side effects such as
- headaches
- pain or tightness in the breasts
- irregular or painful periods,
- weight gain or mood disorders.
It is crucial to consult a healthcare professional before starting any drug treatment to advance periods.