Painful periods: when herbal teas provide relief

When we suffer from dysmenorrhea - or more simply painful periods - we are interested in anything that can relieve us. But anti-inflammatories cause damage in the long term and may even prove ineffective. What if we switched to plants to do ourselves good? Here are 3 herbal tea recipes to relieve pain during this period of the cycle.

Painful periods: ginger during the day

We know ginger well for its toning properties or for its action against sore throats or nausea. It is even believed to have aphrodisiac properties. But little is known that this root native to Southeast Asia has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also anti-spasmodic and fights against abdominal cramps. This makes ginger a powerful ally against the pain that precedes or accompanies periods.
To benefit from its benefits, you will find ginger infusions already ready in stores, but the ideal is to buy a fresh rhizome (in the vegetable section of the supermarket or at the greengrocer) and make your own herbal tea.

Homemade ginger herbal tea recipe

Peel a piece of fresh ginger and grate it into a bowl to obtain the equivalent of 3 tablespoons. Then pour them into half a liter of boiling water, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for 15 to 45 minutes depending on whether or not you like the spicy side of ginger. Filter, and drink your herbal tea hot or cold throughout the day, preferably outside the evenings because ginger is stimulating.


Valerian in the evening

Valerian, also known as catnip or cure-all, is also an anti-spasmodic and calms uterine contractions during menstruation. As well as migraines. And the Greeks already used it in Antiquity to calm nervous agitation and sleep disorders. Valerian will therefore also help you sleep well during your period . Make yourself a good herbal tea from this magical plant and put on your menstrual panties to have a good night's sleep!


Homemade valerian infusion recipe

From the herbalist, get some dried valerian root. Pour 3 grams, the equivalent of a teaspoon, into 250 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for at least ten minutes to benefit from its active substances, and filter. The taste of valerian is not really pleasant, this is its only fault. To mask it, add verbena, honey or why not a splash of milk, all three of which promote calm.

Lady's mantle in case of heavy periods

Lady's mantle is a pretty medicinal plant from Europe that was used in the past for rather specific reasons. It was believed that its astringent properties had the power to firm the female genital tract. Some women then used it to pass themselves off as virgins before a marriage, hence its other name, Ladies' Coat. Today we use lady's mantle to reduce the flow of heavy periods because it stimulates the production of progesterone. And yes. If we lack this hormone - produced during the second part of our menstrual cycle - we generally have heavier bleeding and more tense breasts.
You can grow lady's mantle on a balcony or in a garden, as it is hardy and undemanding. But you will easily find ready-made herbal teas in organic stores, or in bulk to make a homemade infusion!

Homemade lady's mantle herbal tea recipe

To prepare a decoction of lady's mantle against gynecological disorders, simply infuse 7 grams of dried leaves in 250 ml of boiling water, then filter.
Be careful, in high doses any plant can cause undesirable effects (for example ginger, irritate the stomach). So do not exceed 4 cups per day. If in doubt, talk to your doctor.


By Elise