Summer and periods: the solutions that save the holidays!

Also called edema, water retention is an accumulation of water in a tissue of our body that causes it to swell. Benign but unpleasant, this phenomenon takes place, among other things, during a hormonal imbalance or in the event of high temperatures. As a result, before our period (and all the more so in summer), we end up with swollen fingers, stomach, legs and feet. Joy. Fortunately, there are natural remedies to feel lighter!

Why do we retain water?

Our body is made up of 65% water. It circulates in our blood and our lymph before being evacuated by perspiration, urine and stools. But when we store more water than we eliminate, this excess saturates our cells or tissues with water: this is called edema. In question, poor blood or lymphatic circulation due to a physiological problem, or being too often static. But also to certain female hormones - estrogen and aldosterone - whose rate fluctuates during the menstrual cycle. Heat on the other hand makes things worse by dilating our blood vessels and reducing venous return. Finally, an excess of sodium can contribute to the problem.

How to avoid it?

Phew, to avoid being swollen like a balloon this summer, there are a few simple things to do:

- We are cycling !

Nothing like cycling to activate venous return. Wherever you are on vacation, rent a bike to ride for half an hour a day (outside hot hours). For your comfort, ride in menstrual panties . It will protect you from chafing and as a bonus, it will absorb your perspiration to save you from mycosis .

- We walk in the sea

Aquatic walking (or aquarunning) is becoming more and more popular among women. No wonder when you know that this sport considerably reduces cellulite. By acting as a massage and modifying the hydrostatic pressure of our body, walking in sea water activates circulation and reduces water retention. So if you're spending your vacation at the beach, you know what you have to do.

- We drink more water

It seems paradoxical, but drinking more water when doing retention is necessary. And yes, when we don't drink enough, our body makes reserves and stores the water that we bring to it! To eliminate, you have to drink. Especially before our periods and in the summer.

- Let's take it easy on the mojitos

We know that alcohol dehydrates. It is therefore necessary to reduce its consumption as much as possible when one is prone to edema. Ditto for the cigarette which harms the blood circulation. Celebrate this summer, yes, but take care of yourself.

- We do a potassium cure

Bananas, leeks, cucumbers, fennel, pistachios, sardines, raw spinach… We bet on potassium-rich foods that reduce our sodium level, stimulate kidney activity and reduce water retention!

- We get a good massage

Finally, to reward ourselves for all our efforts, we give ourselves a massage with essential oil of juniper (two drops in a little vegetable oil), special draining. For the legs, always from bottom to top (towards the heart) and the same for the hands. You can also gently massage your stomach.

By Elise