How do I take care of my period panties?

Pretty and comfortable. Zero waste, economical and super practical. You've been intrigued by this for a long time... You've invested in menstrual panties ! Or you're about to. But a doubt persists: is this invention easy to wash? Good news, the answer is yes. There are just a few recommendations to follow, mini rules so that you live yours to the fullest. And may your Smoon panties last for several years, without moving.

1: Pre-wash cool water like spring

You have probably already stained clothing or sheets with blood. Menstrual or not, blood tends to clot with heat. And to fix itself in the fibers of the fabric. It is therefore absolutely necessary to avoid hot water or even lukewarm water on a fresh blood stain. The same goes with period panties. The first step before washing it is to rinse it in cold water, without soap. Do it in the evening after wearing it. Rinse it until the water runs clear. Then slip it into your washing machine with the rest of your laundry (no, it won't stain it). No rush to turn it around. Or wash your panties directly by hand.

2: Machine wash or hand wash?

At Smoon, the panties can be machine washed or hand washed, it's up to you. If you opt to hand wash during your cycle, do it in cold water and don't hesitate to do a load of laundry at the end for a thorough wash. Choose a program at 30 degrees, it's good for your pants and it's good for the planet!

(ok but with what detergent?)

To wash your Smoon without damaging it and keep it for several years, we advise you to wash it with a conventional detergent. Avoid using detergents that are too greasy and contain glycerin. Liquid or powder, organic or green preferably. If you are used to using natural detergents such as Indian soap nuts, that's perfect too. On the softening side, only white vinegar is recommended, add a dab to the rinse and that's it!

But be careful… recommendations

Our period panties are made with special materials to drain and absorb menstrual blood. In fact, there are products that they don't like at all! You should therefore avoid using:

- Dyes (our panties exist in several colors anyway, you can vary the pleasures:))

- Products that contain glycerin (for example shower gels or shampoos that use it as a moisturizing agent)

- Fabric softeners and softeners (they will transform the absorbent fiber)

- Aleppo or Marseille soap (we love them but not on our period panties: they contain vegetable oil which would make the absorbent fabric slippery!)

- Soda crystals and bleach which damage technical fabric and are harmful to our vaginal flora (however, if your panties retain a stubborn stain, you can soak them with a little bicarbonate or percarbonate, occasionally)

3: Dry free like air

Your clean and beautiful menstrual panties are just waiting to dry. For this she likes the open air (when we tell you that she is eco-friendly): she shuns dryers and radiators because they damage her fabrics! So if you are in an emergency and your menstrual panties are still wet, you have two options: use disposable period protection or a cup while you wait. Or better: invest in one or two other Smoon panties, to give them a leisurely spin. Y Viva la libertà!

By Élise

Questions ?
We answer it...

Comment entretenir sa culotte menstruelle ?

D'abord nous vous recommandons de rincer votre culotte à l'eau froide après utilisation. Puis vous pouvez la laver à la main ou à la machine mais en cycle délicat à 30°C. Concernant la lessive, préférez des lessives bio et naturelles, pas de savon de marseille cependant. Evitez les adoucissants que vous pouvez remplacer au besoin par du vinaigre blanc. Pour le séchage, laissez vos culotte séchez à l'air libre, vous risqueriez de les endommager au sèche-linge.

Comment allongée la durée de vie de sa culotte de règles ?

Pour allonger la durée de vie de votre culotte de règles, appliquez-vous à suivre un entretien scrupuleux. Lavez votre culotte délicatement avec une lessive adaptée, en l'ayant rincée à l'eau froide au préalable, évitez tout produits superflus tel que l'adoucissant et laissez-la sécher à son rythme.

Comment laver sa culotte menstruelle ?

En amont du lavage, rincez votre culotte à l'eau froide. Ensuite, lavez-la à la main ou en cycle délicat 30°C à la machine. Evitez la lessive non bio, le savon de Marseille et les adoucissants. Concernant le séchage, ne passez pas votre lingerie au sèche-linge, laissez la sécher à l'air tranquillement.

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une femme porte la culotte menstruelle taille haute noire avec les mains sur la tête