Washable tampon: the right hygienic protection for you?

In the family of reusable hygienic protections, we ask for the washable tampon! Still little known, these reusable organic cotton tampons could nevertheless appeal to all those looking for a zero waste alternative to the disposable tampon...

What is the washable tampon?

The washable pad is a small roll of fabric made up of several absorbent layers. It comes in the form of a rectangular strip of fabric, which you roll up on itself with your little hands. In one of the corners of this strip of fabric, you will notice the presence of a string or a thin cord. It serves both to:

  • tie the roll before placing it in the vagina;
  • grab and remove the tampon when it needs to be changed.

The models found on the market are generally made of organic cotton. Depending on the brand, they are sold in packs of 8 or in packs of 4. And if you are a fan of pretty prints, know that the organic cotton pads adopt all kinds of floral, graphic, geometric patterns...

Like a classic tampon, the washable tampon is inserted into the vagina during menstruation. Except that once it has been used, you don't throw it in the trash (and even less in the toilet). Quite the contrary, you save it to wash it so you can wear it again.

Good to know, the washable tampon is compatible with the IUD. The washable tampon is inserted into the vagina while the IUD is housed in the uterus. So, no interaction is to be feared!

What are the advantages of the washable tampon?

Just like washable sanitary protection, such as towels, panty liners, menstrual cups and menstrual panties, the reusable tampon presents itself as an ecological alternative allowing you to have zero waste periods.

In addition to being environmentally friendly, the washable tampon is also good for our wallet, because it is reusable almost infinitely (it generally has a 10-year warranty). A good point when we know that on average, a woman spends around €3,800 on periodic protection in her lifetime.

But the washable tampon is above all a much better alternative for health than disposable hygienic protection. In recent years, the classic tampon has been increasingly criticized since chemicals were detected in its composition. Researchers have notably found the presence of chlorine-bleached materials, pesticides and endocrine disruptors which can cause fertility problems.

With a washable organic cotton pad, you forget the problem of questionable composition! Most models are OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 certified, that is to say guaranteed to be free of toxic products for health or the skin. Be careful however, like all vaginal hygienic protections, there is always a risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS). It is therefore advisable not to keep them on for more than four hours in a row.

Finally, the reusable tampon is attractive for its comfortable side. Just like the menstrual cup or the classic tampon, as long as it is well placed, you don't feel it. This allows you to experience your periods without any discomfort.

What are the instructions for using the washable pad?

Before using your reusable tampon for the first time, you will first need to go through the washing box. Once dry, the piece of organic cotton fabric should be rolled onto itself. When the roll is formed, tie it with the cord provided in one of the corners of the cotton strip.

The instructions for using the washable pad are then exactly the same as the instructions provided for industrial pads. You must also change it at regular intervals (maximum every 6 hours) and it is not recommended to sleep with it.

Once removed, you must wash your reusable tampon. Starting with a first soak followed by a quick rinse with cold water to remove some of the blood (especially not hot water which would set the stains). The reusable tampon must then be washed with Marseille soap or laundry detergent, by hand or in the washing machine between 60 and 90° C. To safely wash your cotton tampons in the machine, use a washing net ( or laundry net).

Note that washing the reusable pad with bleach or any other chemical stain remover is strictly not recommended even if some stains persist. The best way to remove stubborn stains ? A little baking soda and white vinegar in the soaking water. Likewise, avoid adding fabric softener as this could reduce the absorbency of the cotton strips.

After washing, do not place your reusable tampons in the dryer. It is best to let it air dry before using it again.

Is the washable tampon right for me?

Generally, washable tampons are sold without an applicator. To insert it into the vagina or remove it, you will have to use your fingers. As you will have understood, to adopt washable tampons, it is better to be comfortable with your body and with your menstruation, because it requires a minimum of handling, especially the first time. If the sight of blood scares you, this tampon is definitely not for you.

On the other hand, if you want to try, but have difficulty putting on a tampon without an applicator, don't panic! Washable tampon kits with reusable applicator are now available for less than €30.

The other good news with the washable tampon is that you can find it in different sizes that are more or less absorbent (which avoids having to change tampons frequently). In practice, you can therefore choose your washable tampon in light or mini flow version, medium or medium flow and heavy or maxi flow version.

What are the best alternatives to reusable tampons?

If you are looking for reusable, economical, good quality hygienic protection that respects your health, but you are not convinced by the washable tampon, know that there are other alternatives.

There is in particular the menstrual cup, an internal hygienic protection that no longer needs to be presented. There is also the washable sanitary napkin and the washable panty liners which work on the same principle as the reusable tampon.

Among the most comfortable and least restrictive reusable options, there are obviously menstrual panties . Pleasant to wear, they allow you to live zero waste rules without any risk of SCT. As they are easy to put on, changing protection is no longer a source of stress! So, would period panties be the ideal alternative to washable tampons? In reality, the best reusable hygienic protection is obviously the one that suits you best!

By Valérie

Questions ?
We answer it...

C'est quoi un tampon lavable pour femme?

Un tampon lavable c'est un tissu enroulé qui forme un petit rouleau que l'on maintient avec une ficelle qui permet également de le retirer. C'est une protection menstruelle interne qui se place donc dans le vagin pendant les règles. Ainsi, le flux est absorbé par la protection exempte de produit chimique et réutilisable après lavage.

Comment mettre un tampon lavable?

Pour mettre un tampon lavable, il faut dans un premier temps préparer le tampon, soit rouler le carré de tissu pour en faire un petit rouleau nouer la ficelle autour pour qu'il reste bien enroulé. Puis il faut l'insérer en prenant soin de laisser la petite cordelette accessible pour pouvoir la tirer lorsque vous souhaiterez retirer la protection.

Est-ce bien de mettre un tampon lavable?

Chaque femme est unique, cette protection peut vous convenir ou non, il n'y a pas de bonne ou mauvaise réponse. En tout cas, le tampon lavable est une alternative écologique aux protections hygiéniques jetables, et une protection exempt de produits chimiques. Cependant, il reste une protection interne et doit donc être changé régulièrement pour éviter que des bactéries ne prolifèrent. On recommande généralement de le garder maximum 6 heures.

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une femme porte la culotte menstruelle taille haute noire avec les mains sur la tête