Top 5 tips to relieve painful periods

If you find yourself writhing in pain several days a month, it's high time to adopt some habits. Better diet, gentle physical activity, heat, herbal massages and ice on the temples. Here are 5 tips to relieve your painful periods, to implement in the long term.

Scream a big Om

Menstrual pain tends to keep us confined to bed, or to the floor if we cannot stay at home during this period. However, you should not stay still when you have painful periods. Because physical activity, which activates blood circulation and allows the body to oxygenate, is a natural painkiller. It also allows decongestion of the uterus responsible for pain in the lower abdomen. So take your courage in both hands, put on your period pants and go out for a walk and breathe! Or treat yourself to a home yoga session , adopting postures that help release tension and tame your pain.

Take a shot of juice

To expel period blood, our uterus produces prostaglandins each month, also known as “primary dysmenorrhea”. They are responsible for menstrual pain and inflammation. To make the process easier and less painful, our body needs vitamin C (which also helps with the absorption of iron) calcium and magnesium. So take care of yourself with vitamin smoothies. They will also act on your fatigue and your mood! Strawberries or kiwi for vitamin C, pineapple for calcium, banana for magnesium… As for fruit, there are a thousand possible combinations, so don’t hesitate! In general, during your period, make sure to take care of your diet.

Hot water bottle my friend

A good old hot water bottle is THE partner in crime for those who have painful periods. Because heat acts directly on the dilation of blood vessels, allowing good circulation in the event of congestion. It also helps the muscles that contract during the expulsion of menstrual blood to relax. So even if you don't find it very glamorous, invest in a pretty period hot water bottle to place for half an hour on your stomach then on your kidneys, while you watch a good series or enjoy a good book .

If I had a hammer...

As if that weren't enough, lower abdominal pain likes the company of headaches. And hormonal migraine is really heavy to bear. To overcome this and before resorting to medication, you can first apply ice to your temples and forehead (make a small bag with a cloth so as not to apply the ice directly to the skin ). You can then test peppermint essential oil on the same areas (dilute a single drop in a little facial cream). Finally, an infusion of partenelle - also called feverfew - will help you calm your headache and relax you. Because yes, stress makes migraines worse!

Sage that can

According to a Chinese legend, sage only deigned to grow in the gardens of houses where the woman reigned supreme. Clary sage is an “estrogen-like” plant, meaning it has properties similar to those of human estrogens. It will calm menstrual pain, and also reduce stress and cramps, through its anti-spasmodic properties. Combined with lavender and marjoram, it works wonders. It is used in massage on the stomach mixed with vegetable oil. But be careful, although effective orally, its ingestion requires the advice of a doctor.

By Elise

Questions ?
We answer it...

Comment soulager les douleurs de règles ?

S'hydrater, avec de l'eau mais aussi des jus de fruits pour faire le plein de vitamines. Faire un peu de sport en douceur pour oxygéner l'organisme et apaiser les douleurs. Une bouillotte sur le ventre, un antibiotique pour les migraines et de la sauge forment la combo parfaite pour faire face aux menstruations en toute sérénité.

Que faire pour apaiser les migraines hormonales ?

Les maux de tête peuvent être extrêmement brutaux pendant les règles. Le premier réflexe à avoir, c'est de mettre du froid sur ses tempes, des glaçons ou une serviette humide. Ensuite, les huiles essentielles et les infusions peuvent soulager. Enfin, les antidouleurs sont d'une précieuse aide si les remèdes naturels ne sont pas parvenus à leurs fins.

Comment lutter contre les douleurs abdominales pendant les menstruations ?

Les douleurs au ventre sont des maux courants pendant les règles. Une solution très efficace est de chauffer l'abdomen, avec une bouillotte, des vêtements un couvrant et gainant, de l'eau chaude sous la douche, ou votre plus gros pull sous la couette.

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une femme porte la culotte menstruelle taille haute noire avec les mains sur la tête