Our advice for a zen and organized return to school
The holidays are over: smile! The start of the school year is an opportunity for positive renewal and new projects. It is also a period full of energy, provided you start it well, zen and organized so as not to get overwhelmed. Follow the leader !

I sign up for a sporting activity
To get into the swing of things right away with good energy, start by signing up for a physical activity that will do you good (boxing to let off steam, dancing to loosen up, yoga to unwind, climbing for you recenter …). The choice is vast, be curious and confident: once the laziness of getting started is over, you will enjoy it and it will change your life.
I try new things
What if we took advantage of the start of the school year to reinvent ourselves a little? Start playing music, go to new places, change the decor, change your haircut, shake up your wardrobe, switch to menstrual panties ? The back-to-school energies are conducive to changing habits, creativity and listening to our bodies. Go for it!
I'm making good food resolutions
Eating poorly is bad for your skin, morale and health. Too fat we gain weight, we feel flat and we become depressed. Too sweet we're annoyed. Without protein we have no energy. No secret, to feel good about yourself and your mind, you need to eat a balanced diet. Adopt the Mediterranean diet, one of the most beneficial ever, and don't forget the foods that make you beautiful .
I sort Marie Kondo style
Have you been looking for an important paper all over the apartment for ten minutes? There's nothing like a good fall cleaning to see things clearly and get off to a good start. A tidy house means a less cluttered mind and a lighter mental load. Goodbye superfluous, hello serenity. To boost yourself, follow the advice of the Japanese queen of tidying up.
I plan girls' nights
Do you feel like you haven't seen your friends for almost a year? When you were available, they were not and time flew by. As a result, you miss them: laughing with them, confiding in them your worries, your secrets, listening to their advice, talking about rags and boys... This year, change the situation and create a Whatsapp group together to meet regularly.
…And of course, I make my back-to-school to-do list so I don’t forget anything, and I organize my next vacation.
A beautiful horizon in sight always helps in periods of stress or little sluggish moments.
Happy back to school everyone!
By Elise