Why is my menstrual cycle irregular?

On average, a menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. But sometimes things go wrong without us knowing why. If this happens to you, we will explain to you what are the causes of irregular periods and when to consult.

What are irregular periods?

A cycle is considered regular when it lasts more or less the same number of days each month and the periods have the same duration. As a reminder, on average, periods last about 5 days per month (although this varies from woman to woman).

Periods are considered irregular only when the length of a cycle varies by at least 5 days from one month to the next or when the abundance of the flow differs each month. An irregular menstrual cycle can be noted in particular by the absence of periods for several months or by periods that last two days in some months and six days in other months.

How do I know if my cycle is irregular?

To know if you have irregular periods, you need to know your menstrual cycle. We know that on a daily basis, it is not always easy to remember the date and duration of our last period. But good news! There are applications that allow you to track menstruation in order to learn to know your body well and to spot the slightest irregularity in the duration of cycles, periods, but also their abundance.

What causes irregular periods?

There are many reasons for irregular cycles. If you had your first period not long ago, rest assured, there is nothing abnormal about it! In young girls, it may take several years before the cycle becomes regular.

On the other hand, if you have had your period for several years, this disturbance may be due to medical treatment, an intense pace of life (stress, lack of sleep, etc.), an emotional shock or even to taking or stopping a contraceptive. To learn more, read our article on the causes of irregular periods .

When should you consult in case of an irregular cycle?

All women experience an irregular cycle at one point or another. When it happens in isolation, there is nothing to worry about. That said, if your periods have been irregular for several cycles, it is important to consult a doctor. For what ? Because an irregular menstrual cycle can hide a health problem, especially if it is associated with other symptoms. This is particularly the case if:

  • you have very spaced periods, that is to say every 6 to 12 weeks, and excessive hair growth: this may be due to micropolycystic ovarian syndrome;
  • your periods are very heavy and very close together: this may be symptomatic of a uterine disorder such as a fibroid or a polyp;
  • your periods are very painful and you have pain during sex : this may be a sign of endometriosis;
  • you are not pregnant, but have not had your period for at least 3 months and your breasts are secreting milk: this may be a benign tumor called a prolactin adenoma.

Irregular cycles can also be caused by a problem with the thyroid or hypothalamus. This is why it is important to consult your gynecologist quickly if this happens to you more than once.

What are the remedies for irregular periods?

There is no specific cure for irregular periods because it all depends on the cause. So no self-diagnosis, because only a doctor will be able to determine the reason for this upheaval and give you appropriate treatment.

That said, sometimes a healthier lifestyle can solve the problem. So make sure you eat a more balanced diet and sleep well. If you are prone to stress, there are methods to stay calm throughout the day, such as aromatherapy or even playing a sport.

And to avoid accidents, don't forget to put menstrual panties in your bag in case your period makes a surprise arrival...

By Deborah

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Les règles sont censées être régulière comme leur nom l'indique. Cependant, toutes les femmes ne sont pas réglées comme du papier à musique et n'ont pas leurs règles tous les 21 à 35 jours. Parfois des aléas de la vie ou de santé font que nos règles sont inexistantes pendant 2 mois ou plus. Lorsque cette régularité des 28 jours n'est plus, votre cycle est irrégulier. En général, les femmes qui ont un cycle irrégulier l'identifient car elles ne sont pas capables de prédire lorsque leurs prochaines règles arriveront ou de savoir combien de temps durent leur règles.

Au cours de notre vie il y a des périodes où nos hormones ont de fortes fluctuations, c'est notamment le cas de l'adolescence avec la puberté et de la ménopause. Mais c'est aussi le cas si vous avez des fluctuations de poids et de rythme de vie. Dans ces conditions, il est totalement naturel de rencontrer des irrégularités de cycle.

Il n'y a pas de formule magique qui règlera vos règles. Cependant, un mode de vie sein peut favoriser un cycle régulier, que cela soit en termes de sport ou d'alimentation. Mais un cycle irrégulier peut aussi être un symptôme de quelque chose de plus préoccupant si cela persiste n'hésitez pas à en parler à votre gynécologue.

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une femme porte la culotte menstruelle taille haute noire avec les mains sur la tête