Grandma's remedies for incontinence: true from false?

Urinary incontinence in women can be treated naturally using ancestral remedies. From stopping the flow of urine to using cinnamon or cypress nuts, the solutions are diverse. However, it is important to distinguish the true from the false in these grandmother's methods. The effectiveness of these remedies can vary depending on the individual and it is essential to accompany them with a healthy lifestyle to slow down urinary leakage.

grandmother's remedies

Understanding urinary incontinence in women

Urinary incontinence in women is a common disorder manifested by uncontrolled loss of urine. The causes of incontinence ? It can be due to different factors such as age, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause or certain illnesses.

Two types of incontinence are mainly observed: stress incontinence, linked to pressure on the bladder during physical exertion, and urge incontinence, where the urge to urinate is sudden and irrepressible.

It is crucial to understand that incontinence is not inevitable and that there are many solutions to manage it, including natural remedies such as those suggested by our grandmothers.

Grandma's first remedy: wear support panties

Support panties are a simple and effective solution for managing daily urinary leakage. This support device, also sometimes called anti-urinary leak pants by the general public, is designed to offer additional protection against leaks, while allowing total freedom of movement.

Its use is particularly recommended for women suffering from stress incontinence, where leaks occur during physical activities such as laughing, sneezing or lifting heavy objects. If you pee after coughing , you know what we're talking about.

Support panties, like menstrual panties , are available in different sizes and styles to fit all body shapes.

Grandma's remedies: take it and leave it

When it comes to grandmother's remedies for urinary incontinence, it is essential to use good judgment. Some tips may prove effective, while others, although attractive on paper, may prove disappointing in practice.

Among the remedies often cited, we find pumpkin seed infusion , known for its beneficial properties on the bladder. Honey and cinnamon are also cited for their positive action on the pelvic muscle and the perineum.

Other suggestions include dietary changes, such as drinking blueberry leaf tea or walnut oil . Certain foods should be avoided, such as alcohol, coffee, tea, or diuretic foods.

There are also recommendations around the use of herbs and essential oils to relieve incontinence. The use of complementary approaches such as perineal rehabilitation or the use of geisha balls is also mentioned.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of these grandmother's remedies for incontinence may vary depending on the individual and the cause of their incontinence. It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before implementing such remedies.

Urinary leaks and natural remedies: diet above all

To stop leaks naturally, several grandmother's remedies can be considered. One of them is the use of pumpkin seeds . Consuming 2 tablespoons per day or incorporating them into oil in your salads can have a beneficial effect. Cypress nuts are also recognized for their venous vasoconstrictor property. They act on soft tissues to limit their expansion and reduce their size.

Diet also plays a crucial role. Choose healthy foods like nuts, raisins, cranberry juice, bananas, parsley leaves and cinnamon bark. Avoid sweets, meat, chocolate and canned foods.

Finally, perineal rehabilitation can be carried out at home using connected probes. It is an effective solution to strengthen the perineum and limit urinary leakage.

Dealing with leaks: practical advice from grandmother

urinary leakage

To deal with urinary incontinence, there are several practical tips to follow.

  • Hydration is crucial. Drink enough water throughout the day, but avoid diuretic drinks like coffee, tea, alcohol which can worsen symptoms.
  • Practice Kegel exercises regularly to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These exercises can be done anywhere and at any time.
  • Eat a balanced diet . Certain foods can make incontinence worse, especially those that are acidic or spicy. Opt for a diet rich in fiber to avoid constipation, which can increase incontinence.
  • Use suitable products to manage leaks, such as specific protection, which can help you feel more comfortable and safe every day.
  • Don't forget to consult a health professional who can help you put in place an action plan adapted to your situation and your symptoms.

Grandma's remedy to avoid leaks: prevention and healthy lifestyle

Preventing urinary leakage requires above all a suitable lifestyle . Eating habits have a role to play: favor a balanced diet, rich in fiber to avoid constipation, an aggravating factor in incontinence.

Regular physical activity is also recommended . This grandmother's remedy for urinary leakage helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, particularly through specific exercises, such as Kegel exercises.

Stress management is also part of prevention, as stress can increase pressure on the bladder and thus encourage leaks. Relaxation techniques like yoga can be helpful.

It is also essential to stay hydrated while avoiding diuretic drinks like coffee or alcohol, which stimulate urine production.

Finally, making sure to urinate regularly, without holding back the urge to go to the toilet, helps prevent leaks.

Natural solution: cypress nut

Properties and benefits of cypress nut

Cypress nut , known by the scientific name Cupressus sempervirens , is an effective natural remedy to combat urinary incontinence. A real grandmother's remedy against incontinence , the astringent and vasoconstrictor properties of cypress nut are particularly appreciated for their action on soft tissues, helping to limit their dilation and reduce their size.

It is also known for its content of flavonoids , compounds which help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, and terpenoids which contribute to the relaxation of the bladder muscles, thus promoting better urinary retention.

Cypress nuts are also rich in antioxidants , which help protect cells from free radical damage. Finally, they are excellent for digestion thanks to their fiber content, thus helping to regulate intestinal transit.

Although the benefits of cypress nut are numerous, it is recommended to consult a health professional before starting to consume this natural grandmother's remedy , to ensure its suitability for your current health condition.

How to use cypress nut against urinary leakage

Cypress nut can be used in different ways to combat urinary leakage. One method is to consume the nut in the form of a decoction. To do this, boil a tablespoon of cypress nuts in a liter of water for about 10 minutes.

Then filter the mixture and drink this herbal tea before each meal. Another option is to use cypress nut in its semi-solid form . Apply this product directly to the lower abdomen, massaging gently to promote absorption of the active ingredients. Finally, to optimize the effects of cypress nut, combine its use with a balanced diet and perineal rehabilitation exercises.

Side effects and precautions for using cypress nut

Although beneficial, using cypress nut may cause some side effects. So be careful with the famous grandmother's remedies . Some individuals may experience allergic reactions including skin irritation upon topical application. It is also possible to experience digestive disturbances such as nausea or abdominal pain in the event of excessive ingestion.

Among the usual precautions:

  • Avoid prolonged use : its use over a long period can cause irritation of the digestive system.
  • Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women : Active compounds may affect fetal development or be transferred to the baby via breast milk.
  • Consult a healthcare professional before starting to consume this natural remedy, especially if you are following medical treatment.

It is essential to follow the recommended dosage to minimize the risk of adverse effects.

Grandma's remedies for urinary incontinence

The role of plants in treating urinary incontinence

Herbs can play a crucial role in the natural treatment of urinary incontinence. Many of these are known for their diuretic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, which can help strengthen bladder tissues and improve urinary control.

  • Cypress : As mentioned previously, this plant is appreciated for its vasoconstrictor effect. It is often used in the form of essential oil.
  • Gosha-jinki-gan (GJG) : This set of traditional Chinese herbs has demonstrated inhibitory effects on the bladder in studies.
  • Pumpkin seeds : These seeds are effective in alleviating the symptoms of urinary incontinence.
  • Horsetail : Known for its astringent effect, it helps strengthen the connective tissues of the bladder.
  • Buchu : This plant has diuretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, useful for urinary incontinence.

Each of these plants can be used in different ways, herbal teas, essential oils or infusions, to help alleviate the symptoms of urinary incontinence.

Herbal recipes and preparations against urinary incontinence

There are several herbal recipes and preparations recognized as grandmother's remedy for their effectiveness against urinary incontinence:

  • Pumpkin seed : It can be consumed daily, at a rate of 2 tablespoons per day, or in the form of oil in salads.
  • Nettle tea : This plant is rich in minerals that help tone the bladder muscles. Prepare an infusion by steeping a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes.
  • Dandelion root infusion : Known for its diuretic properties, it helps to better control involuntary bladder contractions. Steep one teaspoon of dried dandelion root in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes, drinking three times a day.
  • Cypress essential oil : Apply a few drops to the lower abdomen and massage gently. This oil helps to tone the muscles of the perineum.

It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting any herbal treatment.

The effectiveness of grandmother's remedies: what scientific studies say

Several scientific studies have explored the effectiveness of grandmother's remedies for urinary incontinence. For example, saw palmetto tea and cypress nut have been recognized for their benefits in reducing symptoms. Researchers from the University of San Francisco have also demonstrated the benefits of yoga in combating this disorder.

However, it should be noted that these natural solutions should not replace appropriate medical treatment, but can be complementary.

Here are some commonly cited remedies and their effects according to research:

  • Pumpkin seed : can be included in the diet or consumed in the form of oil. Its effect is relative.
  • Cranberry juice : helps prevent urinary infections, aggravating factors of incontinence.
  • Physical exercises : strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, thus improving continence.

Natural alternatives to Vesicare as a grandmother's remedy

Faced with Vesicare, natural alternatives are possible. Saw palmetto infusion is a popular natural remedy. This herb helps reduce pain associated with incontinence. You can also opt for the buchu plant , used in South Africa to treat bladder infections thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Horsetail is another astringent plant and a real grandmother's remedy against urinary leakage which strengthens the connective tissues of the bladder. Finally, don't underestimate the power of a healthy diet including foods like nuts, raisins, cranberry juice, bananas and parsley leaves. These foods can improve your urinary control while providing essential nutrition.

However, remember to consult a healthcare professional before starting any new natural treatment.

The importance of the perineum in controlling urinary leakage

It's not exactly a grandmother's remedy for incontinence , but the perineum is a set of muscles located between the pubis and the coccyx that plays a crucial role in bladder control. Indeed, a strong perineum can help prevent or reduce urinary leakage. This is why perineal rehabilitation is often recommended to treat incontinence, particularly after childbirth or in cases of perineal weakness.

This rehabilitation can be done through specific exercises, such as Kegel exercises, which aim to strengthen the muscles of the perineum by contracting and releasing them regularly.

Electrostimulation devices can also be used to stimulate these muscles. In addition, activities such as yoga or pilates can help strengthen the perineum. However, it is necessary to be accompanied by a health professional, such as a physiotherapist or a midwife, to perform these exercises correctly and avoid injuries.

Exercises and perineal rehabilitation to curb urinary incontinence

Perineal rehabilitation is not strictly speaking a grandmother's remedy for incontinence but it is an effective practice for strengthening the perineum and reducing the symptoms of urinary incontinence. Here are some exercises to practice regularly:

  1. Kegel exercises : They consist of contractions and relaxations of the perineal muscles. They can be performed in different positions (lying, sitting, standing) and are recommended for toning and maintaining these muscles.

  2. Relaxation exercises : They help to relax the perineum after a contraction phase. It is important to master these two phases for effective rehabilitation.

  3. Breathing exercises : They promote awareness of the perineal and abdominal muscles. They can be practiced in combination with gymnastic exercises.

It is advisable to practice these exercises regularly and gradually, increasing the duration and intensity of the contractions over time. Individual treatment can include 6 to 9 sessions of approximately 30 minutes. Remember that strengthening the pelvic floor can also be helped by activities like yoga or pilates.

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Comment arrêter les fuites urinaires naturellement ?

Pour arrêter les fuites urinaires de façon naturelle, plusieurs solutions peuvent être envisagées :

  • La graine de courge : riche en magnésium et en zinc, elle est connue pour tonifier les muscles de la vessie. Une consommation de 2 cuillères à soupe par jour est recommandée.

  • Les sondes connectées à domicile : elles permettent une rééducation du périnée à la maison, en complément des séances avec un professionnel.

  • Le fenouil : consommé sous forme de tisane, il aide à vider la vessie complètement, limitant ainsi les fuites.

  • La cannelle : efficace contre les fuites nocturnes, elle peut être consommée sous forme de tisane.

  • La consommation de jus de citron : boire un verre d'eau chaude avec du jus de citron le matin peut aider à réduire les fuites.

Comment freiner l'incontinence ?

Pour freiner l'incontinence, plusieurs remèdes naturels de grand-mère peuvent être utilisés en complément des traitements médicaux contre les urinaires

  • L'infusion de pépins de courge : reconnue pour ses vertus sur les muscles de la vessie, elle peut être consommée quotidiennement.

  • Le miel et la cannelle : combinés, ils contribuent à renforcer la santé du muscle pelvien et du périnée.

  • La noix de cyprès : utilisée sous forme d'extrait mou ou en décoction, elle a un effet astringent et vasoconstricteur qui aide à soulager les fuites urinaires.

  • Les changements de comportement : éviter les liquides à l'heure du coucher, l'entraînement et le renforcement positif peuvent freiner l'énurésie nocturne.

Il convient toutefois de consulter un professionnel de santé avant de commencer tout nouveau traitement naturel.

Comment ne plus être incontinent ?

Pour ne plus être incontinent, il est recommandé d'adopter un certain nombre de méthodes naturelles dites remèdes de grand-mère contre l'incontinence, en plus du suivi d'un traitement médical. 

  • La pratique d'exercices physiques : Certains sports doux comme le yoga ou le pilates peuvent aider à renforcer les muscles du périnée.
  • La modification de l'alimentation : Certains aliments diurétiques peuvent aggraver l'incontinence. Il est donc recommandé de limiter leur consommation. Parmi eux : le café, le thé, l'alcool et certains fruits et légumes comme le melon, l'asperge ou le concombre.
  • L'utilisation de remèdes naturels : Des plantes comme la noix de cyprès, certaines huiles essentielles ou encore la tisane de feuilles de myrtilles peuvent avoir un effet bénéfique sur l'incontinence.

Il est cependant impératif de consulter un professionnel de santé avant d'entreprendre ces démarches.

Quelle plante pour traiter l'incontinence urinaire ?

Plusieurs plantes peuvent aider à traiter l'incontinence urinaire en tant que remède de grand-mère. Parmi elles, le Gosha-jinki-gan (GJG), un mélange de 10 plantes chinoises traditionnelles, qui a démontré son efficacité dans plusieurs études. Les pépins de courge sont également connus pour leur action positive sur les muscles de la vessie. De plus, les fleurs d’hibiscus et la busserole consommées en tisane peuvent raffermir les muscles du plancher pelvien. Enfin, la prêle, une plante astringente, peut renforcer les tissus conjonctifs de la vessie pour un meilleur contrôle de cet organe.

Toutefois, chaque individu est unique et la réaction du corps peut varier. Il est donc recommandé de consulter un professionnel de santé avant de commencer un traitement à base de plantes.

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